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>> 嗨乐花-便捷简单 - 贷360借钱 360借条贷款 借钱平台 贷款平台 贷款软件借款 借款软件小额贷款 分期乐 省呗 app 小米贷款 分期 你我贷 网贷 大额贷款 贷款秒批 安逸花 度小满
嗨乐花-便捷简单 [Download]
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贷360借钱 360借条贷款 借钱平台 贷款平台 贷款软件借款 借款软件小额贷款 分期乐 省呗 app 小米贷款 分期 你我贷 网贷 大额贷款 贷款秒批 安逸花 度小满
The task is to find the number between the letters and destroy that number. The letter characters will form a horizontal line covering the entire width of the screen and randomly one of them will be a number. To do this task you need to use the two left or right control buttons to control the wooden spike to move left or right, use your ingenuity and observation skills to destroy the wooden spike without touching the letters.
Have fun playing!
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